Jerusalema Song

by Dave Shepherd

by Dave Shepherd

Jerusalema - The amazing smash hit song from South Africa has recently conquered the charts of the world, and is playing in almost every fitness studio the world over. Go to youtube and choose your own version.

One of the pleasures of organising International sports events is that you get to meet teams from so many different races and countries, and I have to say that the African pre-match and after match celebrations are a joy to behold.

The 'Jerusalema' version is playing the world over and there are literally dozens of versions being played as people gather together having fun dancing to the music.

Here are just a couple listed here from youtube, or go on youtube and make your own choice. 47,000,000 views in 3 months on youtube!

Jerusalema playing to Neymar’s skills - watch on YouTube

Jerusalema playing to Neymar’s skills - watch on YouTube

Jerusalema Dance - Challenge Dance Nomcebo - Master KG - The dance that united the world!

Jerusalema Dance - Challenge Dance Nomcebo - Master KG - The dance that united the world!